Friday, 16 April 2010

Massive, Salty Tea

I don't know if you've noticed but there's an election on. Now, there's not much material in there for a blog of this tone, so I thought we'd turn our eyes across the pond to America, so the pond in this case is the Atlantic Ocean... which is very big... and salty... and therefore not a pond at all.

Politics is a lot more amusing in America. Where we have smarmy bastards they have certified nutjobs. Where we have town halls they have sports stadia. Where we have suspicions about our politicians buying too many biscuits, they have suspicions their's are killing people on the sly.

They are also having one of the most ridiculous arguments ever to grace politics and they can't even see it. I'll put it in big so people skim reading will pay attention.
They're having an argument about which political organisation is the true Tea Party 
If you don't believe they don't get the joke, here's wikipedia for you
Apparently they're rightwing headcases who go and stand about in a protesty sort of way whenever they don't like something. 

Little smaller font please love, I can almost read it
Wait, no, I meant to comment on the ridiculosity (that's right, I looked it up)
of the sign. "I want less please, I used to have less and to change is scary"

But, the story I'm here to tell you is this. They are, as you'd know if you looked a wikipedia, apparently named after The Boston Tea Party (an event I've never really grasped, were they just trying to make an ocean sized cup of tea? Because the sea would have to be boiling, but then that is the bit of teamaking that America never grasped) (where would they get enough milk?) (Also there'd be salt in it) (It'd taste rank, trust me, salt does not work in tea, which is odd as it looks so much like sugar) (well that's not that odd really, that's not really how the world works is it?) (But try telling that to the people of the past, when they treated illnesses with herbs that looked like the thing that was wrong) (what was that called? Answers on the back of a postcard) ... I'll start that again

They are, as you'd know if you looked a wikipedia, apparently named after The Boston Tea Party, they believe they encapsulate the spirit of the American Revolution. They do this by wearing a silly hat.

So far, so weird racists. The problem came when a lawyer from Florida called Fred O'Neal launched the "Taxed Enough Already Party". Now the hats and pitchforks brigade have got all uppity and have taken him to court. Apparently he's running a Fake Tea Party, all that makes happen in my head is this:
Granted, I wouldn't elect her into power but I'm not quite sure that's quite what the Campaign for a Massive Cuppa had in mind. Maybe they're gonna try flinging sugarlumps at him and he just won't be able to retaliate because his are imaginary. The Americans get it so little they try to annoy them by calling them "Teabaggers". That's like calling "The Rastard Party" the "The Rasta Party", it doesn't make them look half as stupid as you.

And now, in HIGNFY fashion, I'll end with a picture

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