Tuesday, 14 September 2010

The 22ish Year Rule

I know, I know, in my last post I called it the "25 year rule" and it's now become the "22ish year rule" but hey, who's in charge here? You've probably not heard of it because I think I made it up. It's entirely possible I didn't and that it's an established fact, but again, my blog so shut the hell up.

So, the long and the short of it is this: Things become retro after 22ish years. What this means is that the world works in 22ish year cycles. I hear you screaming out, however, that you thought this was supposed to be about the 80's. Well, you see, under the 22ish year rule the 80's is just going to stop being retro and we're going to go into the 90's. Also, the 80's is a prime example of it.

The 80's is basically the 60's with synths. The hair was long, the drugs were colourful, the young people were doing young people stuff. Sure it's not a perfectly aligned, there was more commercialism and people smiled less, but who cares about facial expressions?

    I think that hippy may actually have been Phillip Oakey in disguise. And look, neither of them are smiling, point proven. But surely the 60's are just the 40's? Yes they are, yes they are. In the 50's people wore black you see, but in the 60's and 40's it was brown all the way.

But this means that...

And that's as far as I got, "But this means that" ended the grand experiment. Then it all went wrong. 
I really shouldn't post these half-finished ones, I should just finish them. But where's the fun in that?

... so what happened was...

I got confused and did a blog IN the 80's as opposed to about it...

But then of course I couldn't because there was no blogging apparatus...

So then I had to wait, which explains the roughly 30 year pause...

That's the last time I try anything adventurous...

I was half-way through the next post though, I'll stick that up.

Anyway, I am back now. I will do things, promise.